Choosing the right mattress size

Choosing the right mattress size is as important as choosing a good quality mattress because it can impact your sleep quality but you need to be aware that different sizes of mattress suit different age groups and situations in life.
Through this blog, you’ll be able to identify yourself into a situation and see what we recommend.
Deciding the size of your future cosy nest may be harder than you can imagine !
Factors in deciding the mattress size
To help you, here are few step you can follow:
First, you need to decide on the price you can invest in you mattress. Because it is obvious that a kings size mattress is going to be more expensive than a single bed; if you can not afford a king-size bed, you will have to choose between smaller sizes.
Finding the right bed size for you depends on various other factors and before buying one, you need to think about future!
If you buy a mattress for a child, you don’t need a big size mattress, a single size mattress or a twin-size mattress will fit the bill. However, kids could want special beds to decorate their bedroom how they like. Maybe they could ask for specific bed bases.
With older children, you might want to think about getting a convenient mattress and bed base for when he leaves for university. This way, your investment would be a long-term investment. For instance, a loft bed is a very good idea for a student.
For an adult living alone in a tight place, a twin bed can not always be enough, so you could consider having a twin XL mattress or getting your mattress made to measure. That way, the size will be perfect for you to sleep but also for your bedroom.
For couples living together, having at least a queen size mattress is recommended, but if the bedroom allows, you could even get a king size to have more room.
by Chloé Hu Agostini